Domínio/maestria em armênio ocidental
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Superior/Mastery Western Armenian course consists of 8 lessons. Classes constructed according to the logical sequence, but at the same time, have a separate system and features. Each lesson is based on teaching, testing, and reinforcing system. Furthermore, in order to make the acquired knowledge fundamental the teaching sector is directly followed by training exercises. Each lesson includes sub-sections, each of which has its goals and objectives and at the same time interconnected with each other. Text and dialogue, grammar and stylistic, as well as reading sub-sections will enable students to read a variety of texts, to supplement their knowledge of the language from various sections particularly from grammar and stylistic ones. The practical texts composed of different, various poems and dialogues will contribute to the development of students speaking and communication skills.
The first four classes are followed by a midterm exam and after the eighth lesson students completes final exam questionnaire. Both midterm and final exam questions are based on the material provided in the course and covered by the student.
This purpose of this level is to help students achieve the proficiency level of knowledge and contribute to the supreme knowledge of the subject and the fluent communicative skills. The goal of the course is not only to teach students new words, expressions and grammatical structures but also to properly apply and use the acquired knowledge and correctly express their thoughts and ideas through training and reading of monologues, informational texts, debates, as well as the functional styles necessary for speech construction and development: academic, formal, everyday conversational, public and artistic speech. Students will develop speaking abilities through the means of imagination, comparison, and metaphor. In this level, students will learn about 150 syntactic and stylistic structures 80-100 words (specialized).

Períodos oferecidos 2025

Inverno de 20256 de dezembro (sexta-feira) – 22 de dezembro (domingo) de 20246 de janeiro (segunda-feira) – 11 de março (terça-feira)
Primavera de 20257 de março (sexta-feira) – 23 de março (domingo)7 de abril (segunda-feira) – 10 de junho (terça-feira)
Verão de 20256 de junho (sexta-feira) – 22 de junho (domingo)7 de julho (segunda-feira) – 9 de setembro (terça-feira)
Outono de 20255 de setembro (sexta-feira) – 21 de setembro (domingo)6 de outubro (segunda-feira) – 9 de dezembro (terça-feira)

Hourly Breakdown of the Required Participation

  • Audio–visual and text-based resources - 1-2 hours
  • Discussions, individual and collaborative activities - 2-3 hours
  • Quizzes, assignments, summative activities -2-3 hours
  • Expected commitment per week - 5-8 hours

Participats Will

  • Exchange posts with their peers and interact using discussion – forums, chats, Skype, audio/video conferencing;
  • Review and discuss online and text-based resources;
  • Work individually using a spectrum of online tools.

Topics Covered

  • Text/dialogue, new words and expressions, academic style, sentences, dialogue/text;
  • Text/dialogue, new words and expressions, formal style, sentences, dialogue/text;
  • Text/dialogue, new words and expressions, everyday conversation style, sentences, dialogue/text;
  • Text/dialogue, new words and expressions, oratorical style, text types interview, dialogue/text;
  • Text/dialogue, new words and expressions, art style, monologue, text/dialogue;
  • Text/dialogue, new words and expressions, debate, information text, dialogue/text;
  • Text/dialogue, new words and expressions, comparisons, dialogue/text;
  • Text/dialogue, new words and expressions, metaphor dialogue/text.

What Will I Learn

Upon completion of the course, students will fluently communicate in any field and in any situation. Students will speak fluently, comprehend, analyze and discuss oral and written texts, and well as to share their point of view concerning any topic. Students will read different topics, large and complex texts, express own thoughts and engage in a dialogue. Students will have an enhanced vocabulary through academic, formal, artistic style words.

Course Schedule

In case of selecting the regular program, one lesson will be covered in a week, and the course will be completed in 9 weeks, including the orientation week. In the case of selecting the slow-mode program, one lesson will be covered in two weeks, and the course will be completed in 16 weeks, including the orientation week.

Week 0

Orientation Week Students become familiar with the Student Manual, complete the Learning Style questionnaire, complete their profile, introduce themselves to one another, participate in the introductory discussion forum, and identify the time zone in which they are working. Students will also familiarize and verify the technical compliance with all the communication and learning tools to be used during the course.

Week 1-8

Lessons 1-8 (Quizzes and exercises)

Week 4

Midterm Exam

Week 8

Final Exam

Course Requirements & Grading

Students are required to actively participate in on-line discussions, forums and chats, to participate in individual and collaborative activities, and to meet deadlines for assignments. Students are required to be familiar and comply with Academic Policy of AVC

Student performance will be evaluated based upon total points accumulated throughout the term according to the following: 

20% - participation
20% - assignments
30% - midterm exam
30% - final exam

Grades will be assigned by letters according to AVC Grading Policy


Zepur Kheblikian

Teaching Methodology

The electronic resources have been designed for user-friendly access and comprehension by a broad audience. Activities and online discussions are supported by the illustration-writing, listening method, as well as the top-down method. Individual and collaborative student assignments are designed to engage students in authentic research and sharing of information. Students will gain from the course in direct relationship to the contributions they make to their own learning.

Course Materials

No hardcopy texts are required. Selected online resources will be included as part of the lessons. Students are required to read/listen/view all material and complete all assignments.
The online resources are drawn from the publicly available professional language literature, academic curricula, recent publications in professional journals, and educational material used in schools. The Western Armenian course is based on the following method: to provide students with the opportunity to listen to the pronunciation of words and sentences and then to learn how to read and write correctly.

Course Sources

  • Abrahamyan A. «Հայոց լեզու, բառ ու խոսք»[Armenian language, word and speech]. (Yerevan, 1972).
  • Gyulamiryan J. «Հայոց լեզվի տարրական ուսուցման մեթոդիկա»[Armenian Language. Teaching methodology of elementary Armenian].(Yerevan, 2006)].
  • Jahukyan G. «Հայոց լեզու» [Armenian Language].(Yerevan, 1978).
  • Kapinos V. I. «Развитие речи. Теория и практика обучения» [The Development of Speech. Theory and Practice of Teaching].(Moscow, 1991).
  • Savignon S. J. & Berns M. S. Communicative language teaching: Where are we going? Studies in Language Learning.(Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1983).